[SOLVED] Fedora 32 VirtualBox guest: Resolution stuck at 800x600 after fresh install
Mohan Sreekant -
Fedora 32 as a VirtualBox guest was not behaving well. It would not let me change its resolution which was stuck at 800x600. It was déjà vu for me. The host was the same openSUSE Leap 15.1 with VirtualBox Version 6.0.18_SUSE r136238 installed.
First, we need to get the tools to build the VirtualBox drivers:
I had downloaded the VirtualBox Guest Additions version 6.0.18 ISO for the openSUSE Tumbleweed guest earlier. So, I inserted it into the Fedora 32 VM and:
Did not work. I was asked to check logs to see what went wrong. So, that is what I did. Saw compilation errors:
I suspected this could be the result of a great version mismatch between VirtualBox Guest Additions and Fedora 32 Kernel version. So, I decided to download a newer version Guest Additions ISO. I was pleasantly surprised to see that 6.1.8 had arrived. Immediately downloaded it and:
The compilation was a success
Resolution issue was resolved.
Resolution issue resolved
The openSUSE Leap 15.1 host has VirtualBox version 6.0.8 installed in it while the Fedora 32 guest has VirtuaBox Guest Addtions version 6.1.8 running the show.
Clipboard copy does not work. Most probably due to the above issue.